Leif Gabrielsen in Copenhagen, 1968. Photographed by Bille August
Leif Gabrielsen – a short story
In 1957 living in Honningsvåg Norway I got a Kodak Brownie as a confirmation gift at age 15, a nice box camera. In those early days I spent my summers in Finnmark working at sea with my father. Autumn 1964 I started at the University of Oslo. After another year at sea I left for Stockholm in 1967 where I began studying at Fotoskolan under Christer Strømholm.
In 1971 I started studying cinematography at the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation and later became a cinematographer there, filming news and drama on 16mm black & white film. When the 70’s ended I became a photojournalist at Klassekampen newspaper.
In 1985 I began working as a freelancer for magazines and publishers. I started photographing theatre at Torshovteatert, and later Det Norske Teater and Nationaltheatret. I’ve photographed theatre for over 30 years.
Throughout my photographic life I’ve worked with my own pictures. Where I’ve gotten grants which has made it possible to create larger works, exhibitions and books.
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